CIS Trainee Committee 2022-2023
The CIS Committee is a dynamic group of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows who aim to bring together trainees within the CIS Group through academic and social events.
Our Team:
Ylauna Penalva, President (PhDc, Dr. Lisa Münter)
Antonio Vazquez, VP Education (PhDc, Dr. Lisa Münter)
Federico Miguez-Cabello, VP Education (PDF, Dr. Derek Bowie)
Peiyou Wu, VP Finance (PhDc, Dr. Anne McKinney)
Hedi Zhou, VP Finance (MSc, Dr. Gerhard Multhaup)
Isabel Sarty, VP Communications (MSc, Dr. Gerhard Multhaup)
Jamie Mustian, VP Social (PhDc, Dr. Anne McKinney)
Roy Shi, VP Social (MSc, Dr. Anne McKinney)
Anthony Strina, Volunteer (MSc, Dr. John Orlowski)
Jasmine Phenix, Volunteer (PhDc, Dr. Lisa Münter)
CIS Committee 2022-2023. From left to right: Anthony, Federico, Roy, Ylauna, Hedi, Antonio, Jasmine, Isabel, Jamie.
Our Team:
Amanda Perozzo, Website Designer (PhDc, Dr. Derek Bowie)
Irem Ulku, Website Designer (PhDc, Dr. Gerhard Multhaup)
CIS Communications 2022-2023. Amanda (left) & Irem (right).